Before I dive into the topic, let me make a few premises:
- The point of this article isn’t to say that statically typed languages are better than dynamically typed ones. That means nothing.
- I won’t try to convince you that you should drop your favourite language and go for the ones I’ll talk about in the article.
- I have problems expressing my opinion when I consider something “too obvious”. I think that statically typed languages lead to a better programming experience. And I do think it’s obvious. So here we are, I never say no to a writing challenge.
These premises should clarify that I mean everything that follows as my personal opinion. I’m sharing my experience hoping that it may be useful to other people.
- How I got here
- Focus on “actual” tests
- The editing experience
- Shipping code to production
- Experience is everything
How I got here #
I started my programming journey at the end of the year 2000. I was a computer science student at the University of Naples, Italy. We did mostly C. I liked it: it was difficult but satisfying.
After I graduated, I did Java for a better part of the first decade of my professional career. The language and its ecosystem felt powerful but unproductive.
In 2009, I finally was in a position to start looking for something different. That’s how I found Ruby and Ruby on Rails. As an exercise, I tried to build a prototype version of a new product my team had been working on for a couple of weeks. I got to feature parity in less than a day!
The euphoria kept me going for a few years: meta-programming was cool, RSpec was cool, Sequel was cool. The Ruby community was fantastic: it was inclusive and engaging.
While I loved the language and its ecosystem, I was always uncomfortable shipping Ruby applications to production. I often trivialised the experience saying “No matter how many tests we write, we still ship typos to production”.
Around 2013, I started looking around for something more solid, possibly faster. I found Go. The language wasn’t pretty, but I loved how robust programs felt as soon as they compiled. Even though it was early days for the Go community, the tooling around the language was already advanced compared to Ruby (with the obvious exception of dependency management).
I then went back and forth between Ruby and Go for a few years. In 2017, I summarised my experience with Go in a longish article.
Around that time, my interest for Apache Kafka and streaming systems started to grow. I had already written Kafka applications in C, Ruby, JavaScript, and Go so I knew that I had to write for the JVM to really exploit Kafka’s potential. The official libraries offered so much more than the community ones and Kafka Streams - a wonderful streaming library I was very keen on using - was only available for JVM.
So I reluctantly went back to Java. I told myself “Well, it’s going to be unproductive but I won’t have to write my own Kafka Streams library”. I was so wrong about the productivity part, it’s almost funny to write about it now.
The developer experience had improved a few orders of magnitude since 2008. Spring had introduced Spring Boot and the old days of XMLs configurations were gone. The IDEs were so much faster! Before I knew it, I was doing only Java for a few years.
This journey is a circle: Java was my first professional programming language, and it’s now my last. While the circle is interesting in itself, the languages I went through are not what fascinates me. Especially in the context of an article on the appeal of static typing.
Here’s what stands out to me:
- Every time I changed languages, the reasons had nothing to do with language features. Also, I was definitely not framing my choice as dynamically typed versus statically typed.
- Even though I’ve never cared much about language features, nowadays I try to avoid working with dynamically typed languages. After 2 decades of programming, I developed opinions about programming languages 🙃
With this circular journey in mind, let’s dive into what makes me say “Yep, I’m not going to do dynamically typed languages any more”.
Focus on “actual” tests #
I follow a programming principle I call write “actual” tests. Here’s a quick excerpt from the article:
A test must change only if the behaviour it verifies changed.
No other reason is good enough for a test to change. Which, in turn, means “actual tests” only test behaviour. I’ve seen tests testing language features, or missing language features (looking at you dynamically typed languages), or framework features.
Those “missing language features” are relevant to the conversation.
Testing dynamically typed code has always been bittersweet for me. On the one hand, I loved how expressive Ruby was. On the other hand, testing Ruby code made me a little paranoid. I could pass anything at runtime to every method, so I had to test everything right?
Also, a good chunk of the tests I wrote made me feel silly. I couldn’t help but think that I was covering the gap for missing language features. I mean static types of course.
The experience with Go first and then with Java in particular has been very different. “Actual” tests were easy to write and they were relatively fast.
One trivial example: I can “actually” test a Kafka Streams application with Testcontainers with very little effort: add one dependency here, two lines of code there, and – bam – I’ve got a running Kafka instance inside my test.
I like to think that the nature of these languages is the reason why their communities produce testing tools more apt to my needs. Hard to say but I do not care enough for the pedant causation versus correlation conversation.
Go and Java allowed me to focus much more on “actual” tests. I enjoy that a lot for a variety of reasons:
- The compiler covers a lot of ground. I used to write many more tests in dynamically typed languages.
- Integrations tests are easier to write because of the available tooling.
- The statically typed languages I worked with are so much faster than the dynamically typed ones that it affects testing as well.
The editing experience #
To me, the appeal of static typing is evident when it comes to editing. Here’s what I use right now:
- IntelliJ for Java and Kotlin.
- VS code for TypeScript and Go.
Both IntelliJ and VS code are spectacular tools. They excel at every aspect of every-day programming. Be that editing, renaming, refactoring, debugging, testing. Anything really.
They’re both really fast. I ask the question “How on earth is IntelliJ so fast at doing X?” weekly. Before going back to Java in 2017, I had used IDEs in the early 2000s and they were horrendously slow back then.
I think the nature of the language does contribute to a better experience. It’s a bit of a chicken-and-egg situation: Statically typed languages have better tools because they are easier to write compared to dynamically typed languages. The tools are easier to write because statically compiled languages are easier to statically analyse.
Autocompletion is the flagship example of how much better the editing experience with a statically typed language is.
I remember spending countless hours getting Ruby autocompletion working. It was never good enough.
The experience with Java or Kotlin is flawless, but the best example of this difference is JavaScript vs. TypeScript. TypeScript’s autocompletion is so much better that I think it’s enough of a good reason for adoption over JavaScript.
The editing experience is also better for learning purposes. IntelliJ suggests more idiomatic code all the time. It provides warnings and suggests improvements based on best practice.
It is a little thing, but it has a significant impact on the way I can learn a language. Let me provide an example:
val favouriteThings = listOf("Raindrops on roses", "Whiskers on kittens")
println( { it.lowercase() }.joinToString(" & "))
IntelliJ shows a warning on map
and suggests this:
println(favouriteThings.joinToString(" & ") { it.lowercase() })
That’s how I learned that joinToString
takes an optional transform = ((Byte) -> CharSequence)
last parameter (Kotlin has a nice syntactic sugar for the so-called trailing lambdas).
The key is that this happens multiple times a day, so I end up learning a lot just by using IntelliJ.
Shipping code to production #
I wish I could attribute the quote I’m about to share, but I really don’t remember where I read it:
Sometimes we forget the most important aspect of writing a program: it has to work.
It’s beautiful in its simplicity.
How do I know if my code works? Well, I have to ship it to production.
Shipping code is where my experience with dynamically typed languages and statically typed has been the most different. The TL;DR is: dynamically typed languages make me doubtful about what I’m shipping, while statically typed ones make me confident.
There are a few reasons that contribute to this, so let’s dive into them.
Types are docs #
This comes up a lot, and I can’t stress this enough – it’s true.
Types act as documentation because of how descriptive and verbose they are. Let me spell out the obvious: they’re together with the rest of the code.
Too obvious, right? Well, that’s the point. The co-location makes types the best possible kind of documentation:
- They’re never out of date.
- They’re as close as possible to production code.
They also help answer questions that come out all the time:
- What does this function return?
- Where do we use this class?
- Can I pass a string to this third-party library method?
What does all of this have to do with shipping code to production? Two things:
- I have to keep fewer things in my head. Types store a lot of metadata information for me in the code. If I’m not sure about something, I can just read the type. This applies to libraries too. Yes, I know it’s obvious, but I mention it anyway because the difference between integrating a Java library and a Ruby one has been staggering for me.
- I don’t have to care about typos or other silly mistakes like that. I can’t pass a double to a method expecting a string. Again, all too obvious and I wish I could say I never shipped typos to production with Ruby or multiplied a string with a number.
The reading experience #
Reading code is a core part of the practice of programming. Shipping code to production involves a lot of reading. Because of how helpful “types are docs” is in practice, I find the cognitive load of reading production code written in a statically typed language significantly smaller than in its dynamic counterpart.
Reading code shows up everywhere in the process of shipping and maintaining production code:
- I need to figure out where this annoying bug is? I need to read code.
- I need to update the way I use this library? I need to read code.
- I need to help someone ship their code? I need to read code.
Every time I need to read statically typed code, I need to put a little less effort than when doing so with a dynamically typed language. It adds up pretty fast. That energy surplus makes me more confident of shipping statically typed code to production.
If it compiles, it probably works #
This also comes up a lot, and I remember being very sceptical of hearing this when I was working only with dynamically typed languages. I was… wrong.
This, too, is true. The probably part is important because it’s not a 100% hit of course. But the point stands and makes me more confident.
The difference is really evident when I’m trying to rush a bug fix to production. No matter how careful I am, this situation just happens from time to time. The last thing I want is to second-guess the fix I’m about to ship. The compiler telling me that my code “works” reduces cognitive load which I appreciate even more under pressure.
What surprises me the most about the compiler feedback loop is how much it changed my workflow over time. It’s such a radical change compared to dynamic languages!
The basic idea is that I now use the compiler feedback as a todo list.
Let’s imagine this scenario: I just realised that I need to change a method signature. I also know that method is used all over the place in my code base, therefore this is going to be a large change.
If I were tackling this problem in a dynamically typed language, I would have to plan the change carefully by researching the code base. I would have to figure out where the method is used and change every call site. Hopefully, the test suite I have in place covers all call sites already (but we all know it never does).
With a statically typed language, I can just change the method signature and wait for the compiler to produce a list of errors I need to tackle. I’m also confident that, once the compiler is happy, the code works too. No need to worry about tests covering exactly every call site.
Now, this may not seem like a big difference in the daily workflow. But it really, really is. The “using the compiler as a todo list” workflow shows up multiple times a day. In fact, it happens so often it also affected the way I do exploratory design. I’m not sure of the effect of a change? No problem: I break some crucial type involved and ask the compiler to tell me how deep the problem is. Well, how long the todo list is :)
Experience is everything #
While I tried my best to explain some basic benefits of statically typed languages, I’m somewhat sure that this article won’t convince a single soul. It was a non-goal for me, but it’s still interesting to go over why I think my experience won’t convince anyone despite the fact that it did convince me.
Back when I worked only with dynamic languages, I came across these talking points many times. None of them convinced me. While statically typed languages and dynamically typed ones are very different in practice, what makes them different is not one big thing. It’s a lot of small, every-day things.
There’s something else: it’s hard to come across alternatives if you’re happy with what you’re doing. Also, there’s definitely nothing wrong with being happy with dynamically typed languages.